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-All Sales are Final. No Refunds for Any Reason. No Exceptions. Period.
-If you File a Fradulent Chargeback/Dispute against us, you understand we will prosecute to the full extent of the law.
-We can not guarantee delivery of plays via any method. If you can not find your plays it is your sole responsibility to contact us
-We reserve the right at our sole discretion to terminate your participation in all of our services without refund.
-The information contained at or from Wise Guy Team LLC is for news, entertainment, and amusement purposes only.
-Any use of this information in violation of any federal, state, and/or local laws is strictly prohibited.
-Any use of information and any recommendations provided is at user's sole discretion.
-We are not liable for any losses or damages incurred either directly or indirectly.
-Past Performance does not guarantee future results.